June 27, 2009 Run for Logan

Monday, January 26, 2009

Running (Week 10) January 19-25th

A lot of people run a race to see who's the fastest. I run to see who has the most guts.
-Steve Prefontaine

Well..... I (like Steve) don't run to see who is the fastest....lets be honest....by the time the fastest person has finished...I am still at the beginning of my race- It brings me back to the memory of being lapped during the Long Beach Half Marathon by the first place MARATHON finisher (yes, that person did complete 26.2 miles before I completed 13.1) but.... I think by the time I finish this race, I will be "gutsy!"

This week, not a week of champions...please see the above picture of the flu that got me this past week. I have officially completed the following this past week: 1 shorted day of work due to my fever, 1 complete box of TheraFlu, one box of ThroatCoat tea, and two Starbucks boxes of awake tea. I have have officially drowned my flu with tea and medicine, and yesterday started to feel like a million bucks! :) So, since I havent been flu sick in over three years, I took my turn.... and only ran 3 miles this past week......

Weekly Total: 3 miles (darn flu)

Total Training Miles: 108 miles + 135 minutes of swim

Here is to week 11!!!!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Jenna Westerholm

Jenna Susana Westerholm
July 2, 2003-January 22, 2009

Jenna Westerholm lost her battle with Sarcoma yesterday. Please keep your thoughts with her family!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Running (Week 9) Jan 12-18th

"If you want to become the best runner you can be, start now. Don't spend the rest of your life wondering if you can do it."
-Priscilla Welch

Someone will need to remind me of this as I head to the gym today- I started a new job (on top of the one I already have) with the Marketing team and between learning the ropes and running....my body has gone on strike. Don't let it fool you though.... it has run when it has needed to! :) Marian, Stacey and I are officially signed up for the full marathon and Ann (my twin sister) is going to run the half as well. I am really looking forward to it. I ran six miles last Sunday and kept thinking to myself....alright hotshot....just 20.2 more...... eeeek- it seems a little overwhelming now, but I ran a half marathon last year and when I started training the 13.1 miles felt the same way. Week 9- take a look:
Monday: 3 miles (starting out on track!)
Tuesday: 4 miles (not sooo bad!)
Wednesday: 3 miles + 30 minute swim (This calendar isnt too bad!)
Thursday: 0 miles (totally beat!)
Friday: 0 miles (driving to AZ to see the parents!)
Saturday: 0 miles (...I know what you are thinking!)
Sunday: 6 miles + 15 minute swim
Weekly Total:16 miles + 45 minutes of swim
Training Total: 105 miles + 135 minutes of swim
Happy Birthday to Logan. His 7th birthday was January 19th!!!! Logan was selected to kick off this year's Relay for Life in June of this year!!!!! Congrats Logan!
Neuroblastoma Fact # 6: Neuroblastoma is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in infants

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Running (Week 8) Jan 5th- 11th

"Man imposes his own limitations, don't set any"
-Anthony Bailey

Alright....alright! This is a week of champions! I officially started the first week of my training calendar ... I have finished the "Build a Base" through Runners World, and am on to the biggest challenge.... the calendar of dread! Surprisingly, it has been just what I needed.... I have made a few adjustments to the first week (not in distance, but in the days I am doing the workouts) due to my work schedule. Here it is.... Running (Week 8):

Monday: 0 miles (worked late, training for new job)
Tuesday: 5 miles (making up for Monday)...a little ugly, but I made it! :)
Wednesday: 3 miles (getting easier!!!!!)
Thursday: 30 minute swim (...and the cross training begins!)
Friday: 2 miles + 30 minute swim (my poor body aches!)
Saturday: 4 miles + 30 minute swim (the pain doesn't phase me now!!)
Sunday: 0 miles (rest, rest, rest!!!)

Weekly Total: 14 miles + 90 minutes of Swim
Total Training Miles: 89 miles + 90 minutes of swim
Logan continues to do well. He recently went in for MIBG scans as well as a bone marrow aspiration. The MIBG scans came in negative, and they expect the results from the aspiration shortly. Hang in there Logan, we are thinking of you!!
Neuroblastoma Fact #5: In some children, Neuroblastoma starts before birth. In these cases doctors are not able to diagnose it until the tumors grow large enough to to be felt.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Weeks 5,6 &7

The Necessary Post (The post of Shame):

I am not proud of myself.....but Brian tells me I need to post anyway....hence the delay... I am not sure if it is the Christmas parties and busy schedule or just a brief moment of lack of motivation...... but here I am confessing that in three weeks I have only run 25 miles. Embarrassing, annoying, and not going to happen again! Please note, my New Years Resolution is to follow my training calendar until the end without any hiccups! I just finished (with some changes these last three weeks! (clearly!)) the "Build a Base" program I was following.... this means that starting Monday I begin my actual training calendar (I will post this for your reference) ..... less room for skipping a run and no excuses for not posting weekly! I apologize.... if it makes you feel any better.....I am feeling more let down by myself than you could ever be in me.... with 2008 behind me, I am confident that 2009 will bring with it a lot of hard work and dedication, a lot of running and also some pride in accomplishing what I set out to do.....

I returned yesterday from Seattle. I love going home...I may be one of the only people who can claim loving a trip to the rain when leaving the sun....but I love it. I think that although I love it here and am very happy.... part of me has always stayed in Seattle. Maybe the combination of friends and family and what is comfortable. There is something to be said for spending time with my friends from college- the ones who know that even though I want to rent scary movies....I will hide my face for most of it; who have seen that I have bad "morning hair", but love me anyway! For spending time with my brothers and sister and having the annual game of Risk....where we know that someone is going to think they lost a country or continent unfairly and have to reference the rule book to make sure the situation was handled properly! For spending time with my parents at the Starbucks where I used to work occasionally and still see friendly faces. For spending time with the friends I used to teach with and reminiscing about the kids, the shared discussions and lesson planning. For both the Edlund and Costanza Christmas'....where Brian and I try to cram enough family into a limited amount of days unsuccessfully..... resulting in dividing and conquering...wishing we had more time with everyone.... Leaving home and still not seeing everyone who is important to me.... hoping they still know that they are.
For those who follow Logan's progress, I am sure you are aware of his friend and "fellow fighter" Ben. Ben, who loved the movie "Cars" and playing tennis...lost his fight with Neuroblastoma a couple of days ago. I never met Ben.....but through his parent's website I felt like I knew him well. I have spent the last couple of days in tears....having a difficult time understanding how someone so small with so much ahead of him could be taken so early. There are really no words. Please pray for strength for Ben's family.....

I realize that I have been given an opportunity to help raise awareness for this cancer and help support Logan whom I really admire..... I am sorry I veered from the path for as long as I did, but I am ready and I am going to do this. For Logan, for Ben, for myself.
Thank you in advance for understanding!