Running (Week 4) Dec 1st-7th

"Workouts are like brushing my teeth; I don't think about them, I just do them. The decision has already been made."
- Patti Sue Plumer, U.S. Olympian
Yeah, yeah Patti- Let's be honest.... you may skip a run here or there....but you never skip brushing the teeth...especially in times like these....times where cookies are your enemy and your gym bag stays in your car on the off chance you may make it to the gym. Enemy #1- Time, Enemy #2- cookies. This has been my week......
Monday: Rest (yeah, I know...dont say it!)
Tuesday: Rest (.......)
Wednesday: 5 miles (it is getting easier!)
Thursday: 5 miles (Go me!!!!)
Friday: Rest (well deserved, the body aches!)
Saturday: 5 miles (running through the pain)
Sunday: 5 miles (Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Weekly Total: 20 miles
Total Training Miles: 60 miles
Thank you to everyone has kept Logan in your thoughts!
Neuroblastoma Fact #4: Slightly more cases of Neuroblastoma are seen in boys than in girls.
whats going on? are you training?
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