Runing (Week 14) February 16-22nd

This was a great weekend!!! We went to Escondido, CA and saw the finish of the Amgen Tour. Team Astana (as well as many other teams) completed the tour on Sunday. Levi Leipheimer won the race with the help of his team...have I mentioned that Lance Armstrong is on his team? :) I am a huge "Lance" fan. I have ten pages left of his book "It is Not About the Bike", and have such admiration for him. What is not to respect or admire about someone with enough drive to ride his bike while enduring the pain of cancer treatments? He is motivation for me....on the days when I feel like I dont want to run or that I am too tired...I think about Lance. He did it when his body was telling him not to....who am I not to run when I am completly capable? It was so much fun to be around people with such a passion. It reminded me of how I feel when I am at a race.... so many people, excited about the event. Brian is trying to talk me into a mini tri... I have to be honest...I did a spinning class last weekend....not only have a gained so much respect for those who ride the bike.... I wonder how people do it. I am so sore still from the class. My whole body aches...and let me tell you.... those seats are not comfortable, that may be the most sore part! yikes!
Please see above for the blurry picture of the furry friend I met at the event! This is my dad's favorite kind of I had to get my picture with him! Not the best picture....but.... you cant make a cute dog ugly! :)
Take a look at week 14:
Monday: 6 miles (not too shabby!)
Tuesday: 0 miles
Wednesday: 0 miles (no excuse, but this has been a horrible week!)
Thursday: 0 miles (trying to get myself out of bed!)
Friday: 4 miles (it was ugly!)
Saturday: 2 miles + 60 minutes of Spin Class ( eek, my buns!)
Sunday: 6 miles (Going to see Lance!!! )
Total Weekly Miles: 18 miles + 60 minutes of bike
Total Training Miles: 185 miles, 135 minutes of Swim, 60 minutes of Bike
Neuroblastoma Fact #10: Of all childhood cancers, Neuroblastoma accounts for approximately 7% of the cases diagnosed.